Bluestem Services

Sustainable. Working. Landscapes.
Beautiful, unique, practical. It’s the natural landscape you want.
We create working landscapes that connect people… and, their land… with nature. We hear you. You have project goals. We explore possibilities and find the best together. Next, we develop a conceptual plan including strategic solutions that inspire and create a sense of place and well-being. Through the course of the project, we will help onboard and train your maintenance team and can offer environmental education opportunities for your end users. All while staying on time and on budget.

Sustainable Design IS OUR PASSION
SUBDIVISIONS -- Homeowners want to connect with nature. In fact, 60% say they’d “rather have a park as a neighbor.” Our eco-friendly landscapes create highly desirable, livable communities for families that reduce maintenance and resource use and increase quality of life.
RETAIL AND CORPORATE -- Attract more clients and keep employees with a sustainable landscape. Natural materials, stormwater solutions and hyperlocal and native plant selections help us create an urban oasis that differentiates your property in the concrete jungle.
RESORT -- Give your guests an unforgettable experience and make them want to return.. Beautiful, restorative--and, sustainable-- landscapes for lodges, clubs and golf courses are our specialty. Bluestem delivers! (and, sometimes astonishes). Naturally.

Landscapes are our specialty. We use natural materials, green solutions and native plant selections in designs.

Address:   2820 South Morningway Dr. Springfield, MO 65804
Contact:   Judy Good, principal
Phone:  573-230-1196   FAX: 


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