Dr. Chad Follis -- Director, Civic Leaders Internship Program, University of Missouri-Columbia
    Phone: 573-884-5744 .... Email: ccfc9b@missouri.edu
    Direct the service learning internships that focus on government and non-profit experiences. Recruit students and campus programs to expand student career opportunities. Assist with development of service learning courses and departmental programs campus wide. Expand partnerships with service agencies, governmental, non-profit and for profit. Curriculum oversight for Service Learning courses inside the department, consisting of in person or virtual site visits, competency assessments, course development. Continue on-site relationships with students’ agency. Mentor students toward career goals in the internship and confirm they are effectively engaged in the learning outcomes in the classroom and service to community

    University of Missouri Extension -- Agriculture and environment
    The Soil and Plant Testing Laboratory analyzes soil, plant, water, manure, compost and greenhouse media. The laboratory provides quality testing and unbiased, research-based recommendations to clients for economically viable and environmentally safe nutrient management practices. The fee-based services are available to farmers, homeowners, vegetable and fruit growers, lawn and landscape specialists, golf course managers, consultants, researchers and government agencies.


    The services that we offer include:

    • Analyzing soil for nutrient content and fertility status
    • Providing recommendations for economical, environmentally safe and balanced fertilizer and lime applications
    • Special soil tests for nutrient management plans and for addressing environmental issues
    • Analyzing potting mixes for nursery growers
    • Analyzing plant tissue for field crops, ornamentals, vegetables, fruits and turfs
    • Compost testing
    • Manure analysis
    • Water testing for domestic, irrigation, poultry and livestock suitability

    Address:   1100 University Ave. Mumford Hall Room 23 Columbia, MO 65211
    Email:  muextension@gmail.com
    Phone:  573-882-0623   FAX:  573-884-4288



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